FDE Component missing in Technician Application

  • 7021176
  • 03-Aug-2017
  • 01-Sep-2017


ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Installation - Agent


After updating the ZAA to ZENworks 2017 Update1
ZIcon > Technician Application > Agent > Agent Status (components)
FDE component is missing in the list after updated to ZENworks 2017 Update1

[ERROR] [07-31-2017 10:21:29.270] [4544] [ZENUpdater] [] [Système] [SystemUpdate] [MSI_INSTALL_ERROR] [ERROR] [novell-zenworks-fde-api-,1603] [] [] [ZENworks]
[DEBUG] [07-31-2017 10:21:29.285] [4544] [ZENUpdater] [] [Système] [SystemUpdate] [] [DEBUG] [Control MSI failed to install, installation of the dependent MSIs have been skipped.] [] [] [ZENworks]

novell-zenworks-fde-api- - Error 1722
MSI (s) (8C:08) [10:21:29:161]: Note: 1: 1722 2: CallFDEPrerequisiteCheckerAtInstall 3: C:\Windows\TEMP\{F370FDCB-67F4-4B7B-9430-6E774F16BF35}\ 4: "C:\Windows\TEMP\{F370FDCB-67F4-4B7B-9430-6E774F16BF35}\\FdePrequisiteChecker.exe" -in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\cache\zmd\ZenCache\067aafee-d703-41f6-b20d-517bb4cc756b\dmi.ini"
CustomAction CallFDEPrerequisiteCheckerAtInstall returned actual error code -928


See the Update process in the documentation
ZENworks 2017 Update 1 - Full Disk Encryption Update Reference

Remove the older FDE Policy first and wait for system to decrypt drive
Then apply the ZENworks 2017 Update1 Agent
Then apply new ZENworks 2017 Update1 Policy to device
System should Encrypt properly with the latest agent and latest FDE policy.


Older FDE policies were enforced (non-2017 Update1) on the managed device prior to ZAA upgrade to ZENworks 2017 Update1

There are a "group" of MSIs related to FDE and the first one checks if FDE is enforcing a policy. 
If that's the case, then ZAA system update skips the FDE upgrades (it fails the first one and skips that "group" and goes on to the rest of the SU)

Additional Information

See Bug 1056200
To check if drive is encrypted run C:\Windows\NAC\nbstatus.exe

Use USB or CD with ERI to decrypt drive

Working as designed
Documented in
What's New in ZENworks 2017 Update1 - Full Disk Encryption
ZENworks 2017 Update1 - Full Disk Encryption Update Reference

SYSINFO.NFO will show # of disk partitions

May have to remove the agent and reinstall.