"Argument Exception: targetVolumesToCreate" when Configuring a Migration Job

  • 7021166
  • 02-Aug-2017
  • 03-Aug-2017


PlateSpin Migrate 12.1 


During the configuration of a migration job, "Argument Exception: targetVolumesToCreate" error is thrown. This error is usually caused by having multiple entries for the same mount point and same FSUUID. An example is shown below.

          <q1:label />
          <q1:NTFSBootSector xsi:nil="true" />
          <q1:label />
          <q1:NTFSBootSector xsi:nil="true" />


To workaround this issue, kindly refer to the troubleshooting steps below.

- Locate this directory on your Migrate Server: C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Migrate Server\bin
- Inside this directory, search for PlateSpin.Browser.exe and run it as an administrator
- A new window will be opened then proceed on clicking the "Connect" button
- Once you are connected expand "https://localhost/PlateSpinMigrate" > "Networks" > "Default" > "Machines"
- Right click on the problematic server found under "Machines" then choose "View Source"
- Copy the contents of the XML file on a separate notepad
- Remove the duplicate entry from the volume section and keep only one entry for the mountpoint then save it as an XML file
- Open Migrate Client then delete the problematic source workload
- After the workload is deleted, click on "File" > "Import Machines" then import the modified XML file
- Once imported, please configure the job and see if the issue is resolved