Allow Filr administrator to disable WebDAV site-wide

  • 7021147
  • 31-Jul-2017
  • 16-Aug-2017


Micro Focus Filr 3


Filr supports the use of WebDAV tools and enables you to manage your Filr files through WebDAV as documented in the Filr User Guide. Filr utilizes WebDAV when editing files with Edit-in-Place and when browsing files and folders in Filr through a WebDAV interface. However, there is no site-wide setting that can be used to enable/disable WebDAV on a site-wide basis.


A fix for this issue is available in the Filr 3.2.1 Update. With the fix in place, Filr administrator can add the following setting in the /opt/novell/filr/apache-tomcat/webapps/ssf/WEB-INF/classes/config
file to disable WebDAV site-wide:


Note: With WebDAV disabled, users will no longer be able to use the Filr Edit-in-Place feature.