GWAVA 5 and 6
How is GWAVA restarted on Windows?
To restart GWAVA on Windows do the following:
1) Run the stop_gwava script, by double clicking on it, in the directory GWAVA is installed on default: is C:\Program Files\GWAVA\GWAVA\assets\scripts
After the window disappears GWAVA has been shut down.
2) Check Services to ensure all of the GWAVA modules have shut down:
3) Start GWAVA back up by double clicking on start_gwava in C:\Program Files\GWAVA\GWAVA\assets\scripts.
Note: If they don't shut down within a few minutes you can kill them in task manager.
4) After the window has gone away, GWAVA has been started back up.
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1897.