Reload for Retain Architecture - A High Level View

  • 7020958
  • 11-Feb-2016
  • 07-Aug-2017


Reload for Retain


Reload for Retain Architecture - A High Level View


Reload for Retain Architecture - A High Level View

Reload for Retain has 2 components:

1. The Reload for Retain Server (Reload Server)

a. Runs on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Platform

b. Hosts an instance of Retain for Push-Button Disaster Recovery functionality

2. The Reload for Retain Agent (Can also run on the Reload Server)

a. Runs on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Platform

b. Backs up Retain on Linux or Windows

c. Can Run on the Retain Server if the Retain Server is on SUSE Linux

d. Can Run on the Reload Server and back up a Retain Server on Windows or Linux

e. Can Run on an intermediary server that has access to the Retain Data and replicates to a Reload Server

f. If the Retain Data is on a remote Windows or Linux server, it accesses the Retain Data via an NFS mount to the Retain Server

g. If the Retain system is using MySQL on Windows or Linux, Reload for Retain can also back up the Retain database.

h. Customers who are using Retain with Oracle, or Micosoft SQL Server will need to back up their Retain database using other solutions. The Reload for Retain Agent does not back up these databases.

i. The Reload for Retain Agent will has the ability to replicate the contents of a custom directory location. So if customers create a backup of their database, and make it accessible to the Reload for Retain Agent, the Reload for Retain Agent can replicate that backup to the Reload Server.

NOTE: These are the following reasons why Reload for Retain requires a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

  • The Reload for Retain Agent makes heavy use of the Rsync utility which is not well implemented or supported on the Windows platform
  • Microsoft provides strong integration with SUSE Linux, so getting a connection from a SUSE Server to a Windows server works very well


Reload for Retain backs up Retain on Linux or Windows.

Only one SUSE Linux Server is required.

Customers who already have GWAVA's Reload software already impelemented can implement Reload for Retain on the same Reload Server that they have already established.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2731