Reload Readme (310010)
Before deleting anything on the Reload server, make sure it is not mounted to any of your live servers. The Reload server acts as a client to your live servers, so you could mistakenly delete a GroupWise post office or other live data on the server if you were mounted to the live server.
Use the "mount" command to see what servers the Reload server has a mount point (like a drive mapping) to.
The command to unmount a mount point is: umount <mounted path>
Example 1: umount /mnt/reload/profiles/post1/po/povolmap
Example 2: umount /mnt/reload/profiles/post1/po2/povolmap
NOTE: GWAVA Reload is written for the Novell Linux platforms (only):
SLES9 (32-Bit Only), SLES10 (32-Bit and 64-Bit), OES
The Reload Documentation is very clear, with a hypertext linked table of contents.
The Reload Documentation is accessible by doing the following:
1. Point your browser at the Reload server's IP Address/DNS Name:5555.
For example:
2. Click the icon that reads: Documentation
The Reload Readme is accessible from the GWAVA Reload Main Menu by selecting System|Readme.
GWAVA Reload is distributed by GWAVA (www.gwava.com)
Lead GWAVA Reload Developer: Tay Kratzer
Lead Support Specialist: James Hopkins
GWAVA Reload is a Hot Backup/Quick Backup Access System for Novell GroupWise.
GWAVA Reload integrates with GroupWise post offices on NetWare, Linux and Windows. The GWAVA Reload Server must run
on a Novell Linux server platform.
NOTE: GWAVA Reload is written to run on these Novell Linux platforms (only): SLES9, SLES10, OES
Reload requires a license file called "reload.pem". Please obtain this file. To obtain the file you should go to:
1. Go to http://support.gwava.com
2. Select the "Reload" support forum.
RPM Install
1. Use the command: rpm -ivh <reload rpm name>
rpm -ivh beginfinite-reload-3.1.000-1.i586.rpm
Everything else will happen automatically.
NOTE: The RPM install, launches the GWAVA Reload Install utility, so if you installed this software with the RPM install, then the GWAVA Reload Install utility should have already run. BUT KEEP READING! Particularly the section titled: "POST INSTALLATION STEPS YOU MUST PERFORM".
1. Make sure that the Novell GroupWise DBCOPY and the GroupWise Agent (Linux based) packages are installed on this computer. The method for doing this is explained in the next couple of paragraphs. Please read this entire section so you don't waste time trying to install these packages, as they will probably be installed automatically when GWAVA Reload is installed.
The version of the GroupWise DBCOPY and GroupWise Agent packages is important. The GroupWise 7.0.1 (or later) version of DBCOPY and the Agents are the only working versions that should be used. Please note, that the GroupWise 6.5 level DBCOPY
has some defects that make it unusable.If the Reload server is housing a GroupWise 6.5 Linux post office, then Reload cannot run
on the same Linux server that the GroupWise 6.5 post office is on.
Even if your GroupWise post offices that will be backed up with GWAVA Reload are GroupWise 6.5 post offices, install the GroupWise 7.0.1 level DBCOPY and Agent packages on the Reload Linux server.
Confirm that the GroupWise DBCOPY and the GroupWise Agent packages are installed. To do this go into GWAVA Reload
Administration, and select the INFO menu option from the Main Menu. Then confirm that the DBCOPY, TIMESTAMP and the POA code are reported to be installed. The GroupWise DBCOPY and GroupWise Agent packages may be have been installed automatically by the GWAVA Reload Installation utility. If this is the case then DBCOPY, TIMESTAMP and the POA Code will be installed. However if they were not installed by the Installation utility then they must be installed manually.
If no GroupWise Agents or DBCOPY have ever been installed on this Linux server then the GWAVA Reload Daemon will attempt to
install the GroupWise Agent and DBCOPY software. However if ever any GroupWise software has been installed the GroupWise Reload Daemon will not attempt to install the GroupWise Agent and DBCOPY software. You then must then perform these steps manually. Some instructions on how to do this are given just a little later in this readme.
Even if your GroupWise post offices are GroupWise 6.5 post offices, install the GroupWise 7.0.1 level DBCOPY and Agent packages on the Linux server.
If you do not have the GroupWise Agent or DBCOPY packages, the GroupWise 7.0.1 shipping GroupWise Agent and DBCOPY packages are located in the following directory:
To install an *.rpm use the command:
rpm -ivh <name of the *.rpm file>
rpm -ivh novell-groupwise-agents-7.0.2-20070406.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh novell-groupwise-dbcopy-7.0.2-20070406.i386.rpm
NOTE: The command to un-install (erase) an RPM is:
rpm -e <package>
So if you need to un-install some older GroupWise code in order to install newer code you would first use the commands:
(These are just example, you may need to un-install more or less than the packages listed below)
rpm -e novell-groupwise-agents
rpm -e novell-groupwise-dbcopy
rpm -e novell-groupwise-gwia
3. If you are backing up a GroupWise post office on a NetWare server, or a NetWare cluster node, make sure that the NCPFS package is installed. To see if NCPFS is installed on your Linux server, perform the following command in a terminal session:
rpm -qa | grep ncpfs
If the NCPFS package is installed, then you should see a response back similar to this:
If NCPFS is not installed, then install it through YAST2. Search for the package "ncpfs" in YAST2, and then install the package.
4. Make sure that this Linux server's time is synchronizing correctly with the network. Having the correct time is critical to the success of GWAVA Reload.
Time effects GWAVA Reload in the following manner:
a.) Licensing
b.) Backup names
c.) Timestamps on user's mailboxes
d.) Scheduling of backup jobs
The NTP Client is really simple to configure in YAST2. The quick terminal based command to get to the NTP client module in YAST2 is
the following:
yast2 ntp-client &
[ GWAVA Reload Backups During POA QuickFinder Indexing ]
GWAVA Reload uses DBCOPY to backup portions of a GroupWise post office. If QuickFinder Indexing is running, and DBCOPY runs simultaneously with QuickFinder Indexing, then DBCOPY will create an ngwguard.db0 file in the post office. DBCOPY will also create *.db0 files in the OFUSER directory. These files impede a clean backup, but do not hurt the live GroupWise post office. To assure this problem does not happen make sure that an Incremental GWAVA Reload Backup job does not happen simultaneously with QuickFinder Indexing. If there are already *.db0 files, delete them all, so that backups going forward will work.
[ Loading a Reload POA, Getting Errors C05D, C067 or C059 Errors ]
GWAVA Reload uses DBCOPY to backup portions of a GroupWise post office. If QuickFinder Indexing is running, and DBCOPY runs simultaneously with QuickFinder Indexing, then DBCOPY will create an ngwguard.db0 file in the post office. DBCOPY will also create *.db0 files in the OFUSER directory. These files impede a clean backup, but do not hurt the live GroupWise post office. To assure this problem does not happen make sure that an Incremental GWAVA Reload Backup job does not happen simultaneously with QuickFinder Indexing. If there are already *.db0 files, delete them all, so that backups going forward will work.
[ Important Changes to Make In GroupWise Administration ]
The only change you must make is to do the following:
1. In ConsoleOne, highlight the GroupWise Post Office that will be backed up with GWAVA Reload.
2. Select Tools|GroupWise Utilities|Client Options
3. Select Environment|Cleanup
4. Make sure the checkbox that reads "Allow purge of items not backed up" is UNCHECKED!
Perform these steps on all GroupWise post offices that will be backed up with GWAVA Reload.
These steps will allow for the following functionality:
a.) Users will not be able to purge messages from their trash, unless they are backed up with GWAVA Reload. This is very useful to assure that no received messages can be deleted, until they are backed up.
b.) If a user accesses a backup from the GWAVA Reload server, they will not be able to purge items from the backup.
[ GWAVA Reload Administration ]
COMMAND: reload
The GWAVA Reload Administration is a good place to start! In an XWindows session at the server console or in a VNC session, if the desktop is "KDE" or "GNOME" and you are logged in as root, there should be a pre-configured icon to run the GWAVA Reload Administration.
The GWAVA Reload Administration can be run in a terminal session (shell session) by typing the command "reload". The GWAVA
Reload Administration has been designed as though the Terminal session windows size was 80 Columns by 35 rows in size. To determine the size of a terminal session window issue the command:
stty -a
This command will report the size of the terminal session window. If the terminal session window is not the correct size, you can adjust it further as needed.
GWAVA Reload Administration is completely compatible with an SSH session. Of course you'll want an SSH session that supports color. So for a Windows user, consider getting the free SSH utility called "Putty". You can look for this utility at www.google.com. Search for "ssh putty".
Within the GWAVA Reload Administration utility, you can create backup profiles that correspond to your GroupWise Post Office. The maximum number of profiles that a GWAVA Reload Server will support is 20.
Peruse through the Administration utility, and make sure to set up the GWAVA Reload system defaults by selecting "System" from the main menu.
[ GWAVA Reload Daemon ]
COMMAND: reloadd restart
COMMAND: reloadd stop
COMMAND: reloadd start
COMMAND: reloadd status
GWAVA Reload has a "Daemon". This process must be running in order for anything to actually happen. The Daemon is designed
to automatically load when the Linux server loads.
The GWAVA Reload Daemon can be controlled completely from within the GWAVA Reload Administration utility. The Daemon can also
be controlled with a the "reloadd" script. To run the script, just run "reloadd" in a terminal session for the correct usage of this script.
The GWAVA Reload Daemon can be monitored by an HTTP page, the default address to the HTTP page is http://<server ip or dns>:5555. Or if SSL is enabled it's https://<server ip or dns>:5555. Of course you can change all of this, and even turn off the web page.
The GWAVA Reload Daemon can be monitored by reading the Daemon Log file. The Daemon Log File can be viewed in the GWAVA Reload Administration.
Troubleshooting The Daemon
If for some reason the GWAVA Reload Daemon won't load, you can troubleshooot it in the following manner:
1. Change to the directory /opt/beginfinite/reload/lib/code
cd /opt/beginfinite/reload/lib/code
2. Type in the following command to run the Daemon in the most basic mode:
./gre -r ../../ &
This runs the Daemon with it's minimum command line requirements. In this mode the Daemon is not providing a Web Page, or reading any other configuration parameters that are specified in the GWAVA Reload Administration utility. So if the Daemon runs in this most basic mode, then the problem is one of the settings in the GWAVA Reload Administration utility. If the command to load the Daemon fails, the Daemon should give some kind of an error message, and the messages are generally informative, but not verbose.
[ GWAVA Reload Agent ]
COMMAND: No Commands - This process is spawned by the GWAVA Reload Daemon
This is the real workhorse of the GWAVA Reload System. The GWAVA Reload Agent is spawned by the GWAVA Reload Daemon as needed.
The GWAVA Reload Agent has two files that it logs to. The Agent log and the Event log. Both of these logs can be accessed from GWAVA Reload Administration, and from the HTTP page of the GWAVA Reload Daemon. The Event log is a very simple, high-level informative log. The Agent log is a blow-by-blow verbose log that tells everything that is going on.
[ Graphical Log Viewer ]
The GWAVA Reload Logs can be viewed in a Graphical Log viewer when the software package called "Xdialog" is installed. The
Graphical Log Viewer is a friendlier interface for those who prefer a Graphical Interface.
The Xdialog software package uses a GPL License, which means that it cannot be distributed with a commercial software package
such as GWAVA Reload. Because of this, the Xdialog RPM must be manually download and installed in order to have the option to
view GWAVA Reload logs in a Graphical Log Viewer. When the GWAVA Reload RPM is installed or the Install utility is run the GWAVA
Reload Installation requests that the GWAVA Reload Daemon try to install the Xdialog utility and install it. However, this action can fail if the GWAVA Reload Daemon determines that the GWAVA Reload server cannot connect to the Internet.
To install the Xdialog software package you would take either one of the following steps:
( GWAVA Reload Installation Utility Method )
1. Run the GWAVA Reload Installation Utility in a terminal session with the command line switch "-x", Example:
cd /opt/beginfinite/reload
./install -x
2. This will attempt to install the Xdialog RPM file from the following location on the Internet:
If the Reload server cannot get access to the Internet on the standard HTTP port, which is port 80, then this method will fail.
If the Reload server can access the Internet and download the above-mentioned RPM, then the RPM will be downloaded, and installed.
( Manual Installation Method )
1. Download the Xdialog software package from the Internet. A good place to download the Xdialog software package is at the web site "Freshmeat". The URL for the Xdialog project, at the time that this help file was written is:
The RPM (Redhat Package Manager) file to download, at the time this help file was written is:
2. Once the above-mentioned RPM file is saved on this Linux server then install it. To install the Xdialog package from a terminal
session type in the following command (assuming you are in the directory where the *.rpm file is located):
rpm -ivh Xdialog-2.1.2-1.i386.rpm
When the Xdialog utility is installed, a new menu option will become available in the Logs Menu that allows the preferred
logging interface to either be Text or Graphical.
1. Install GWAVA Reload
2. Confirm that the GroupWise DBCOPY and the GroupWise Agent packages are installed. To do this go into GWAVA Reload Administration ( type the command: reload ), and select the Overview menu option from the Main Menu. Then confirm that the DBCOPY, TIMESTAMP and POA code are reported to be installed. The GroupWise DBCOPY and GroupWise Agent packages may be have been installed automatically by the GWAVA Reload Installation utility. However if they were not then they must be installed manually.
The *.rpm package files are off of the path:
Use the syntax:
rpm -ivh <name of the *.rpm file>
If you have problems installing GroupWise DBCOPY or the GroupWise Agents, then please seek support from Novell on installation issues with these two packages. Novell owns these packages, they are just shipped along with GWAVA Reload for the convenience of GWAVA Reload customers.
3. If GWAVA Reload is going to be backing up a NetWare server, make sure to install the NCPFS client through Yast/Yast2.
4. Create and configure profiles. Make sure to set up the schedules for each profile.
If you have installed a previous version of GWAVA Reload, then you must uninstall the old GWAVA Reload software first. Uninstalling the GWAVA Reload code does not remove any existing GWAVA Reload configuration information, or backed up data. Uninstalling the GWAVA Reload code simply removes the old code, so that you can install the new GWAVA Reload code.
GWAVA Reload Uninstall
1. In a terminal session go the Reload directory:
cd /opt/beginfinite/reload
2. Run the uninstall utility
This will uninstall (erase) the GWAVA Reload software code.
RPM Uninstall
1. Determine the name of the GWAVA Reload package
rpm -qa | grep beginfinite-reload
This will report something like this:
2. Use the command from to erase an RPM package. For example:
rpm -e beginfinite-reload
Reload 3.1 Section
Version 301000 - BETA
1. Modified the web UI to include the custom links tab.
2. Modified the in-line documentation to better help understanding the monitor tab.
3. Changed the wording in the Reload Console and Web Administration to reflect the idea of NCP/NetWare and NFS/Linux and SAMBA/Windows.
Version 302000 - BETA
1. Added several more changes to the WEB UI. Made the widescreen and navigation screens feature similar.
Version 303000 - BETA
1. Modified the DRELOAD command to test before each attempt to disconnect from a mapping whether or not a mapping actually exists.
2. Added fixes to allow for occasional problems with an "access" directory being created which will not allow a symbolic link called
access. This was an obscure thing that didn't happen often.
Version 304000 - BETA
1. Modified the GRE_DBS_MON agent and the gre.ncp.mnt.sh script to try and detect scenarios in which the NCPFS client might be
locking up and keeping a backup job going indefintely. This scenario was seen quite a bit at one customer site, and could potentially
happen at other customer sites, although it is not common. This is an obscure problem, and the fix will be tough to confirm.
Version 305000 - Beta
1. Fixed a bug in which if there where more than 16 post office or domain profiles, when in the Navigation window of the web interface
the profiles after the 16th profile did not have the status bubbles working correctly. The graphic for the bubble would just show up
as a broken graphic link.
2. Enhanced the Retain API such that if a request to load the Retain POA for a profile was a duplicate it would be ignored.
Version 309500 - Beta
1. Added feature support requested where everytime the Event Log is written to the Agent Log is also written to.
2. Took out verbage in the gre_index agent that seemed as though an error existed when it didn't.
3. Added text to the Event Log that indicates a little bit more clearly when each agent is done, but the backup is not completely done. This was done only for Standard Backups.
4. Significantly modified the Disaster Recovery features in Reload Console Administration. Now Configuration and Failover
features of Disaster Recovery should be more clearly understood.
5. Moved the Disaster Recovery POA settings under the Failover Configuration. The Disaster Recovery POA is no longer under the
Advanced menu for a profile.
6. Removed the GroupWise Domain and Post office information menu option for the post office profile configuration menu. This was done because this feature is only used by the Retain integration. And so this menu option is now only under the Retain integration menu.
7. Added more in-line documentation to the Monitor page in Reload Web Administration.
8. Added the profile monitoring information bar at the top of each Reload profile overview screen in Reload Web Administration.
9. Modified the Disaster Recovery verbage in several places from Enabled/Disabled to Turned On/Turned Off.
10. Added a legend to the Reload Web Administration Monitor page so that users could see more clearly what each of the graphics
are trying to indicate.
11. In Reload Web Administration both post office and domain profiles have more information on the first panel in the Overview tab. The Start a Backup Job panel is now the second panel in the Overview tab.
12. Changed the term "Custom Links" to "Bookmarks" throught Reload.
13. Added the Help Button to Reload Web Administration. Now I've got to do the documentation, fun!
14. In Reload Console Adminstration, when a profile is in Disaster Recovery mode, this can be observed when administering
that profile.
15. Fixed a bug in Reload monitoring in which if a Domain profile is untested and disabled, it wasn't reported in any way.
16. Added a menu item to the Reload Console Administration that prompts people to read the reason for an error state on a profile.
17. Added the ability to define connections to servers that Reload is backing up data from as DNS connections or TCP/IP connections.
18. Added GroupWise 8.0.1 support.
19. Made significant improvements to the Migration Agent.
- Improved System Event level logging
- DBCOPY real-time logging to the System Agent Log
- Added a new feature specific to DBCOPY 8.0.1
- Added verbage to more clearly indicate which backup is being migrated
- Added Storelowercase support, it only works with GroupWise
8.0.1 agents, and nothing earlier. The Storelowercase routine in DBCOPY prir to 8.0.1 did not work reliably.
Version 309501 - Beta
1. Added a filtering feature to the "Read Error Status" menu selection in Reload Console Administration. The error messages are displayed at the top when this screen is shown.
2. Simplified the Migration process for post offices. It should be much easier for people to use.
3. Added links to the System Agent Log on the pages specific to Disaster Recovery in Reload Web Administration.
4. Added logic to the Monitor page that makes the frame bigger if there are over 5 post offices in the system.
5. Made the Navigation Window show the post office and domain profiles on the left-hand side by default.
6. Added text to the help screens to encourage more use of POA and MTA DNS configuration.
7. Added the Migration Configuration menu under the Advanced screen. There are several features that you can turn off, these are going to be helpful for troubleshooting purposes when doing migrations.
Version 309502 - Beta
1. Fixed a bug in MIGRATE_MON about what the name of the binary agent is for MIGRATE.
2. Enhanced MIGRATE_MON monitoring such that every minute the OFFILES directory migration's DBCOPY log is tailed and written to the Agent logs.
3. Modified the default Standard Backup schedule for post office profiles to run at 20:00:00 and to run every day.
4. Fixed a bug in which the Profile Event and Agent log files for a domain could not be viewed.
5. Finalized the Web Administration appearance, added more interesting icons to the Monitor page.
Version 309503 - Beta
1. Reverted back to fonts used prior to 309502.
2. Changed the window size in the Monitor screen when a system is larger.
Version 309600 - Beta
1. Completely finalized the Web UI.
2. Changed the Disaster Recovery icon.
3. Made several fixes to the Access Backups, GroupWise Client Access to Reload Backups panel. Some of the information was incorrect, and some formatting was bad.
Version 309601 - Beta
1. Fixed a bug in which the GRE_DBS_MON agent wasn't restarting the GRE_DBS agent when it should have been.
2. Created an agressive routine for clearing out lingering ncpmount and gre.ncp.mnt.sh.
3. Fixed issues with localization and the new standard of US to EN and different new standards for Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Japanese and Korean.
Version 309602 - Beta
1. Exposed the Reload Daemon log in Reload Web Administration.
2. Changed the Agent Log tab to read Agent Logs.
Version 309603 - Beta
1. Added better error reporting in the GRE_DBS agent that backs up databases in Standard Backup jobs.
Version 309604 - Beta
1. When a Remote Reload profile is created, the default will now be to have Zero Portable Backups.
2. Altered the Standard Backup Advanced screen in Reload Console Administration to hide settings that aren't relevant when Zero Portable Backups are being created.
Version 309605 - Beta
1. Put the Reload header bar on every page in Reload Web Administration.
2. Added the ability to see all POAs in one screen inside Reload Web Administration.
3. Added complete parity to the Reload Web Administration Widescreen and Navigation views.
4. Tested for compatibility with Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
5. Altered Reload Console Administration such that when the browse feature is used to select a backup, the default location is now the profile backup directory.
6. Added Help text when using a -h command in conjunction with scripts that Reload installs.
Version 309606 - Beta
1. Enhanced the Monitor page in Reload Web Administration. Now the load and unload backups, and the Disaster Recovery buttons are all toggle type buttons.
2. Enhanced all of the action buttons that load backups, enable disaster recovery, or kick off a job to indicate the profile that the action was taken on.
3. Enhanced GRE_SPURGE_MON to resolve problems when the GRE_SPURGE agent fails while connecting to a profile.
Version 309607 - Beta
1. Corrected problems in the home.gt, and help.gt files.
2. Added a new stop backup button. The new icon was created by Thomas S. of GWAVA in Germnay. Thanks Thomas!
Version 309608 - Beta
1. Minor fix to the Reload Domain backup agent.
2. Fixes to the main_help.gt file.
Version 309609 - Beta
1. Fixed a potential problem with GRE_BLOBS_MON just indefinitely runnning even though the GRE_DBS process failed.
2. Added a feature in which the most current portable backup is now always linked to the <profile path>/connect/full directory
Version 309610 - Beta
1. Added a major new feature, that is enabled by default. Now, if Standard Backup jobs are queued up, and other backup jobs are queued up, then preference will be given to the Standard Backup Jobs first.
Here is why I made this feature. I have a Reload server with 8 profiles at a particular customer's site. The server is always having problems. The problems are specific to the server, and not to Reload. I know this because they have other Reload servers that function just fine. This server has 8 post offices that is backing up, and most of them are large. The Portable Backup routine can take up to 3/4 of a day for some of the profiles. So they have designed the Portable Backups to happen in the daytime, and they do about one Portable Backup for one of the profiles every day. The only problem is that if the server goes down for a day or two, then the Portable Backups that were queued up first were getting processed before Standard Backup jobs. The net effect is that sometimes we were a day or two behind on our most current Standard Backup for all of the profiles. Well that's bad! Particularly in a Disaster Recovery scenario.
This feature is under the Jobs menu in Reload Console Administration, and in the Job Handling Preferences in Reload Web Administration.
Version 309611 - Beta
1. Added new monitoring routines to the GRE_BLOBS_MON to determine when the GRE_BLOBS agent is stuck in trying to get a connection to a server. The focus of the code is on NCP connections, which seem to be the most likely to have the problem.
2. Added a routine to run the EXPIRE process if ever a change is made to the number of Portable Backups to Retain. If the Portable Backups to Retain is set to 0 however, the routine will not run automatically so as to give the operator time to change their mind if needed.
Version 309612 - Beta
1. Made huge improvements to the landing screen when a backup is accessed The landing screen now tells what Reload will do with the backup for it to be accessible. This is for post office profiles.
2. Made huge improvements to the landing screen when Disaster Recovery is enabled for a post office or domain. The landing screen now shows what the currently configured automated disaster recovery plan is.
Version 309613 - Beta
1. Made a suttle changes to post office profiles in the Reload Web Interface. On the Access Backups tab the "GroupWise Client Access
to Reload Backups" panel is now automatically expanded.
2. Made a suttle changes to post office profiles in the Reload Web Interface. On the Disaster Recovery tab the "Current Automated
Disaster Recovery Plan" panel is now automatically expanded.
3. Made a suttle changes to domain profiles in the Reload Web Interface. On the Disaster Recovery tab the "Current Automated
Disaster Recovery Plan" panel is now automatically expanded.
Version 309614
1. Improved all of the action screens in Reload Web Administration. Now they have far more attractive styling.
Version 309615
1. Fixed a problem in Reload Web Administration in that fact that someone was in the Widescreen or the Navigation window would not
be remembered in the session.
2. Made a new menu under Post Office Profiles that defines how backups are accessed. From this menu the Access Mode and
Restore Mode POA configurations are accessed.
Version 309616
1. Final Pre-Shipping Release of Reload 3.1, No New Features!!!
2. Added the ability to be notified by Reload when there seems to be an error in the Retain to Reload integration.
3. Added the View All POA Configurations to the System Overview Tab in Reload Web Administration.
4. Made the default setting for Post Office Profiles to backup DMS Libraries.
Version 309617
1. Completed all video documentation.
Version 309618
1. Fixed a bug in which the Upgrade Now option wouldn't work from Reload Web Administration.
2. Fixed a bug in which the Upgrade Roll Back option wouldn't work from the Reload Web Administration.
Version 309619
1. Fixed a bug in which if a Restore Mode POA was loaded, the side navigation icon that indicated that the Restore Mode POA didn't show the correct text when hovering over the backup loaded status icon.
2. Fixed a bug in the Access Backup tab for post offices on Linux. There was no Restore Mode POA information available.
3. Made the default option for Disaster Recovery for Post Offices to unload the Access Mode and Restore Mode POAs.
4. Added a routine to make a second attempt to unload the Disaster Recovery POA, if in the first attempt the Disaster Recovery POA
could not be found in memory.
5. Made serveral changes to make configuring and accessing backups easier in Reload Console Administration.
6. Made serveral changes to make configuring and enabling Disaster Recovery easier in Reload Console Administration.
7. Added the Latest Backup field to post office and domain profiles in Reload Console Administration.
8. Made the profile configuration screen for domains simpler and moved some of the menu options to the Advanced menu. I did this to
make the menu more putty - default window size friendly.
9. Added a routine in Reload Console Administration, when editing a profile, if the window size is too small an error will kick in that tells the user to increase the window size.
10. Added another GRE_BLOBS_MON connection monitoring routine for NCP connections that tries to detect error states.
Version 309620
1. Added a Help screen to the Access Backup Preferences Settings Menu for post office profiles.
2. Updated the Profile Advanced Menu for post office profiles.
3. Updated the Post Office and Domain Disaster Recovery videos to reflect the new look on these profile types.
Version 309621
1. Finished all video documentation.
2. Made a few minor corrections in the Reload Console Administration menu.
Version 310000
1. Made a minor change to a menu screen for Portable Backups.
2. Added some new routines to the GRE_BLOBS Monitoring routine to catch scenarios in which the GRE_BLOBS agent is endlessly trying to get an NCP connection.
Version 310002
1. Made some documentation changes.
2. Changed an untested Reload profile to say [ Untested ] in Reload Web Administration. This way there is total parity between the
Web and the Console interfaces.
3. Added the name of a profile in another few places. This makes then name of the profile more visible in scenarios in which the
terminal session is small when running Reload console administration.
4. Configured the connectivity testing dialog to be much more likely to leave the Reload Console Administration user at the profile settings main page after a profile is tested.
5. Added more "Unconfigured" indicators to help when using Reload Console Administration and Disaster Recovery says "Unconfigured" next to it.
Version 310003
1. Fixed a problem where if the VOLMAP directory wasn't a symbolic link it caused mappings to be off.
2. Fixed a problem where sometimes the "live" directory is not a symbolic link, which then causes problems with disaster recovery
being enabled and the POA or MTA not launching.
Version 310004
1. Fixed an obscure problem in which the GRE_PO_CREATE process might be launched twice.
2. Made Reload Web Administration have parity on unconfigured IP Addresses and ports with Reload Console Administration. Now
if these settings are unconfigured, both interfaces show the setting as "Unconfigured".
3. Make a small change to the Retain to Reload integration related to making sure a symbolic link to the ../connect/retain directory
is actually removed. This was a precautionary change, not based on any bugs discovered specific to this integration.
Version 310006
1. Added some small changes to Reload Web Administration.
2. Changed a disk check routine that was used by the Reload daemon and seemed to be uncompatible with Xen.
3. Added the --nodeps command line string when installing the GroupWise 8.0.1 agents. This is to get around the need for a newer
Open-Motif library that doesn't seem to be installed on some servers. For example a SLES11 server running Xen, and a SLES9 server. Until a customer installes the newer Open Motif libraries, or GroupWise dropes this dependency, then the POA or MTA cannot be started in graphical mode.
4. Changed the GroupWise MTA to start in background mode rather than graphical mode by default. This change will only be in effect
for new Reload installations going forward.
Version 310007
1. Added the "Go Down a Page" icon to the Navigation window's monitor page, per James Hopkins personal request. Just for you
James : )
2. Fixed a problem when loading the Disaster Recovery POA, for testing purposes it would indicate that the Access Mode or Restore
Mode POA was loading.
3. Added text when loading the Disaster Recovery POA to indicate that loading the Disaster Recovery POA is not the equivalent to
turning on disaster recovery.
4. Added text when loading the Disaster Recovery MTA to indicate that loading the Disaster Recovery MTA is not the equivalent to
turning on disaster recovery.
5. Made the Reload Web Based Custom Command API clearer, now I just need to document it.
Version 310008
1. Fixed some potential bugs in the launch of a DR mode POA or MTA.
2. Now when the DR mode POA or MTA loads for a profile, the startup file for that agent will be written to the System Agent Log file.
Version 310010 (Reload 3.1 Shipping Code)