Connect failed: Check Control Center IP/DNS

  • 7020922
  • 11-Sep-2007
  • 07-Aug-2017




Connect failed: Check Control Center IP/DNS


Open the /opt/beginfinite/redline/conf/rlcenter.conf file. Ensure that the AgentListenHost, and HTTPListenHost is the IP address of the server that the Control Center resides on, and both are enabled.

NOTE: AgentListenHost is the IP address and port on which the Control Center listens for connections from Redline Agents. HTTPListenHost is the IP address and port on which the web administration is accessed, and which the Control Center is listening to connections from the web on.

Open the /opt/beginfinite/redline/conf/rlagent.conf file. Ensure the Control Center IP address points to the server the Control Center is on. The ControlCenterAddress, and the ControlCenterPort within the rlagent.conf should match the AgentListenHost, and AgentListenPort within the rlcenter.conf.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 146