How To Enable The HTTPS Server on the GWAVA Appliance?

  • 7020896
  • 13-Aug-2009
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4, 4.5 Appliance


How To enable HTTP traffic on the Appliance


Here are the steps to enable HTTP traffic on the Appliance:

1) Log into the Appliance through a PuTTY session (or any other SSL connection)

2) Run the yast2 program

3) Scroll down to Security and Users | Firewall

4) Scroll down to Allowed Services

5) Under Service to Allow, select HTTP Server

6) Tab over to "Add" and hit enter

7) Tab to "Next" and hit Enter

8) Tab to "Accept" and hit enter

9) After the Service is installed, quit YaST

The HTTPS Server is now running and services can use port 443.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1387.