Implementing Redline for the First Time on Linux - Quick Start Guide

  • 7020886
  • 08-Oct-2014
  • 07-Aug-2017


Redline 4


How do I implement Redline for the first time


NOTE: Redline has two software components, the Redline Control Center and the Redline Agent. There is one Redline Control Center and potentially several Redline Agents. Here is a simple explanation of both of these components.

[ Redline Control Center ]

  • Just one Redline Contol Center is installed
  • The Control Center is where an administrator logs in to configure all Redline components
  • The Control Center is where all the information that Redline Agents gather is presented and accessible
  • Underneath the hood, the Redline Control Center software is the software that stores and analyzes information being sent to the Control Center from the Redline Agents

[ Redline Agent(s) ]

  • Redline Agents gather information from the servers that the Redline Agent software is installed to
  • There are multiple Redline Agents installed in your typical GroupWise system
    • If you have a server with a GroupWise POA, you would install a Redline Agent to the same server where the POA is running
    • If you have a GroupWise GWIA, you would install a Redline Agent to the same server where the GWIA is running
    • If you have a large GroupWise system, it is likely you will have dozens of Redline Agent installations to perform

  • Redline Agents push the data that they gather to the Redline Control Center

NOTE: When the Redline Control Center and the Redline Agents are all configured, the Redline Agents are regularly polling the GroupWise agents and the servers that house GroupWise Agents. The Redline Agents send their data findings back to the Retain Control Center on the TCP/IP port 6910.

[ Configuring Redline Control Center ] 1. Install the Redline Control Center

  • If possible put the Redline Control Center on a dedicated server
  • SLES 11 or better is recommended
  • 64-Bit is recommended
  • Download the Redline installation package zip file here >>> Redline Software
  • Put the *.zip on the server that will run the Redline Control Center, for example in /software/redline
  • Unzip the .zip file, in a Linux terminal session the command would be similar to this:     


    • Proceed to the directory where the Redline *.rpm is for you to install. For example:

cd /software/redline/redline/linux.suse64/redline

  •  Install the Redline RPM with the a command similar to this:

rpm -ivh redline-4.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm
2. Start and License the Redline Control Center

  • The Redline Control Center Daemon does is designed to start on server boot, but it does not startup on installation
  • The command to start the Redline Control Center is this:

rcrlcenter start

  • The Control Center is configured by default to listen on port 6910. 
  • So if you server is at, the way to log into the Control Center would be:
  • The default credentials for the Control Center are: 
    • User Name:      admin
    • Password:       password
  • After you have marveled at cool Redline Control Center interface . . . . . :)
  • License the Control Center
    • Configure | Control Center | License
    • Browse to the license file that you obtained from GWAVA. The license file should have a ".pem" extension
  • Configure the identification and authentication information for your Redline Control Center
    • Change the Registration Name to something that represents your organization
    • Change the Registration Code from the default registration code..... or you can keep it as is, but we recommend changing the Registration Code string to something more secure than the factory default. For example:


[ Configuring Redline Agent(s) ]

Now we turn our attention to the Redline Agent.

1. Configure the Default Redline Agent

  • The "Default Redline Agent" runs on the same server as the Redline Control Center
  • Configuring the "Default Redline Agent" requires that one file be manually edited
    • On the server that runs the Redline Control Center edit the rlagent.conf file
    • The rlagent.conf file is in the directory


  • Modify the four lines of the rlagent.conf file:
    • Remove the line that reads: NEWINSTALL
    • On the line that reads: RegistrationName indicate the exact Registration Name that you indicated when configuring the Redline Control Center. This name is in the Redline Control Center under: Configure | Control Center | License

For example:

RegistrationName=GWAVA Inc.

    • On the line that reads: RegistrationCode indicate the exact Registration Code that you indicated when configuring the Redline Control Center. This name is in the Redline Control Center under: Configure | Control Center | License

For example:


    • On the line that reads: ControlCenterAddress indicate the exact IP Address of the Redline Control Center that is accessible to other hosts on your network. DO NOT KEEP THE DEFAULT OF

For example:


After you have configured the Default Redline Agent, start the Redline Agent with the following command:

rcrlagent start

Get into the Redline Control Center and select Dashboard | Quick Health

You should see two new buttons they are:

 The Redline Agent

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2381.