GWAVA SMTP Appliance
Yes, GWAVA does work with other Email Servers. This is done by using the SMTP Appliance using an SMTP Scanner. The SMTP Appliance is a Linux based machine that acts as a proxy between the senders Email Server and your Email Server. All you have to do is install the Appliance on a new machine or onto a VM. When installing the Appliance, GWAVA will be installed as well.
Configuring GWAVA to work with your Email Server is quite simple. Follow the steps in the Wizard when logging into the GWAVA Management Console. There are a key things to be aware of.
1) When entering the IP address of the "Mail relay agent SMTP Server", make sure that this is the IP of your Email Server. Also enter the Default Internet domain for the email server. This should all have been set up when you configured GWAVA for the first time.
Server Scanner Management -> (Your Server) -> Server Management -> Configure Server
After you have configured GWAVA, you will want to create a new Scanner. Here is a link to create a SMTP Scanner:
2) After installing the scanner, we will want to verify that the settings are correct. Click on Mail Interface settings to do this
After clicking that link, verify that the information that comes up is correct. The TCP/IP bind address can either be or the IP address of the Appliance. Also verify the hosted domain and the trusted outbound relay servers. Remember to click Save Changes if you change anything.
3) After the Appliance is up and running and the scanner is installed, you will want to direct your mail traffic to the appliance. You will do this by either modifying your MX record or modifying the rules in your router to direct email traffic to that machine.
Once you have done that your mail should be scanned by GWAVA and be sent to your Email Server.