Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display

  • 7020765
  • 03-Oct-2008
  • 07-Aug-2017


REDLINE 3.x, 4.x
SLES 9.3
SLES 10.x
SLES 11.x


- Redline Agent does not load or does not stay loaded immediately after issuing startup command - If  loading Redline Agent manually for troubleshooting, the following error appears on screen "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display" NOTE: to load agent manually (not using the "/etc/init.d/rlagent start" script), type the following from a command line terminal /opt/beginfinite/redline/bin/rlagent -c /opt/beginfinite/redline/conf/rlagent.conf


1.  Edit the /opt/beginfinite/redline/conf/rlagent.conf file for that agent.
2.  Remove the NEWINSTALL line from the top of the [GLOBAL] section.

NOTE:  Do not simply comment it out.  The line MUST be completely removed.

3.  Save the file.
4.  Restart the Redline Agent.  The /etc/init.d/rlagent start script will work. 

NOTE:  After loading, type /etc/init.d/rlagent status to verify the agent is running.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 458.