The Reload "Lowercase" Option Explained

  • 7020668
  • 07-Jun-2013
  • 29-Aug-2017


Reload (all versions)


Reload has a "store lowercase" option, what is the purpose of this?


GroupWise for Linux requires that all files be store in lowercase as Linux is case sensitive with filenames.  NetWare and Windows, on the other hand, do not care and GroupWise on those operating systems may store files in mixed cases.  The GroupWise dbcopy utility has a "storelowercase" routine built into it that Reload can leverage, which changes files to lowercase.

This especially comes into play when a customer has moved their GroupWise system from NetWare or Windows to Linux.

The option in Reload is found under the Post Office Profile Standard Backup Advanced Main Menu Select: Profiles | POST OFFICE PROFILE | [profile] | Standard | Advanced.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2160.