Adjusting GWAVA Scan Threads (Advanced)

  • 7020571
  • 23-Jun-2008
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4 (all builds) on Netware and Linux
GWIA Scanner


GWAVA not keeping up with mailflow (threads too low) GWAVA using extraneous resources (threads too high)


If GWAVA isn't able to keep up with mailflow, please refer to the following article before increasing your GWAVA scan threads:

Note for Linux customers:  please read the following article before proceeding:
Warning:  Changing your GWAVA threads should only be done by experienced users or under the direction of technical support

You can change your GWAVA scan threads in your GWAVA Management Console under Server\Scanner Management ---> [yourserver] ---> Manage Scanners ---> [gwiascanner] ---> Configure GWIA Settings ---> Mail Interface Settings

The default setting, and usually the recommended one, for the GWAVA scan threads is 16.  When making changes to this setting, we recommend making small changes.  For example, for slow mail flow you may want to increase the threads from 16 to 20.  Don't forget to save your changes.  Restart GWAVA to make sure changes take affect.

Important:  DO NOT increase threads above 50 without implicit instructions from technical support.  Very few users need more than 16 threads, even with heavy mailflow

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 280.