How to Add an Address to the Blacklist

  • 7020533
  • 01-Sep-2009
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA4 All Builds, running on NW or Linux


How do I block all email from a specific address?




Type in the address you would like to be blocked, check the box to 'block' the message, then click on the green + to add it. Click on 'save changes'.

Messages from this address will now get blocked.

To block messages from a certain address, you need to add the address to the 'Source address filter (from:)' list. This list is found in the GWAVA Management Web Page | Server/Scanner Management | Server | Manage Scanners | Scanner | Scanning Configuration | Source Address filter (from)

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1412.