How to Block Messages With a Blank Mail From (GWAVA 6)

  • 7020448
  • 21-Feb-2013
  • 07-Aug-2017


SMTP Scanner


Messages are coming in with a blank mail from.  What is the best way to block these messages?


The best thing to do is to create a regex (Regular Expression) to block messages with a blank mail from.  Follow these steps to do this.

1) Log in to the GWAVA Management Console

2) Click Scanner/Policy Management | (SMTP Scanner) | Scanning Configuration | Source address filter

3) At the top right hand side, click the icon with two check marks.

4) Check the box to show extended padlock state for services.  Click Save.

5) Click Source address filter on the left again.

6) Add the filter by doing the following:
A) Click on New filter.

B) Enter the source address filter /^$/

C) Make sure the box to block the message is checked with a closed lock (click on the lock to open or close it). Make sure the lock for Quarantine the message is closed so that this will never be quarantined.

D) Click Save Changes.

This filter will ALWAYS BLOCK and NEVER QUARANTINE messages that have a blank mail from.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2092.