Released Blocked Outbound Message From QMS is not being Delivered

  • 7020417
  • 19-May-2015
  • 07-Aug-2017


Any type of scanner


An outbound email was blocked and quarantined. When I try to release it, it is not being delivered.


Email that is released from the QMS is sent via GWVRELAY. This module will relay mail to the IP address you have set for 'SMTP relay agent target server'. If you have the wrong IP address for your email server here, then it will fail. Do the following:

1) In the GWAVA Management web page, go to Server/Interface Management | <Server> | Server Management | Configure server | SMTP relay agent target server.

2) Change the IP address to the correct one, here.
Released email should now be going to the correct server.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2545.