Removed Address Space on GWAVAQMS, Running Thread InQueueManager

  • 7020361
  • 23-Sep-2009
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4, 4.5
All Builds
Running on Netware


Getting a Removed Address Space on the GWAVAQMS. The running thread is InQueueManager.


Usually, when you see a removed address space on GWAVA4QMS and the running thread is InQueueManager, it is caused from a malformed qms_data.db. When one of the QMS databases is malformed, most of the time it will write an error file indicating this. Look to see if you have an error file:
1.  Browse to [volume]:[path to:]/gwava4/services/qms/data/err directory.

2.  Sort the files by date modified.  Check the files with the current date only.  Check if any of them start with "datadb".  Open the file.  Check  if it contains a message that the "...disk image is malformed."

If the disk image is malformed, it is necessary to rebuild the qms_data.db.  Click HERE for instructions on running a rebuild.

If you ran a rebuild and are still seeing this removed address space, it is recommended to call support for assistance, 801-437-5678.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1464.