Getting 'Error 53509 Directory Services Data Missing' When Clicking on a Tab For a User

  • 7020329
  • 07-Aug-2015
  • 07-Aug-2017


Vertigo 2.X


I am getting an error 'Error 53509 Directory Services Data Missing' when clicking on any tab, while in Single User Mode.


When you see the error 'Error 53509 Directory Services Data Missing' then most likely there is a mistake in the Trusted App Name. Do the following to fix it:

1) After opening Vertigo and connecting to the GW System, click on File | Enter Trusted App Key

2) Correct the Trusted Key Name, to ensure it is the same as the one in GW for Vertigo. Make sure there are no extra spaces.

3) Click OK.

4) Exit and re-open Vertigo.

You should now be able to access each tab for each user.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2596.