'SSL is Not Enabled For This User's Post Office' Error

  • 7020318
  • 12-Jul-2010
  • 07-Aug-2017


Vertigo 1


After successfully connecting to the Groupwise System, an error occurs when trying to access a user's settings:  " 'Enable SOAP over SSL' has been selected in the connection screen.  But SSL is not enabled for this user's post office."


This error has occurred because Vertigo has been told to make a secure connection to the GroupWise Post Office, and GroupWise has not been configured to use an SSL connection.  If Vertigo is supposed to make a secure connection, follow step 1.  If a secure connection is not needed, follow step 2.

1) Enable SSL in Console One.
Browse to the POA in Console One.

Click on this link for information on how to secure SOAP connections to the Post Office, and scroll down to section 36.2.4.  Step 5, covers the information on how to secure the connections.

Make the same changes for any other Post Offices in the GroupWise System, that are intended for use with Vertigo.
2) Change the settings in Vertigo.
Exit out of Vertigo, then open Vertigo again.

Click on 'Connect to GW System.'

When the Connection Screen opens, de-select 'Enable SOAP over SSL."

Next, click 'Ok,' then this setting will be saved for the following connections.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1800.