Useable Groupwise Variables

  • 7020311
  • 20-Nov-2008
  • 07-Aug-2017


Vertigo (all versions)


When copying a rule in Vertigo, can the rule use the new users' information?


Yes, Vertigo can use Groupwise Variables which allow rules to change based on the account they are applied to.

The following is a step by step guide to setting up a rule:

1) Add the rule to a user in your Groupwise system (open groupwise and login to a users account) click on tools | rules | new | specify name and options | add an option (note: This is where you will want to enter your Groupwise Variables, (list at bottom)) and save.



2) Next open vertigo | conect to groupwise system | select user that you applied the rule to | click on the rules tab (you may have to scroll right).

Select the rule you want to copy to another user | click copy | select users to receive rule | click ok | close the copy window when complete | check user rule was copied to, in order to verify the variable changed.

List of Variables that can be used in a rule: 


Forward only:

UserID = the Mailbox name from the selected user in the address book
EmailAddress = the email address from the selected user in the address book

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 747.