Redline Agent shows "File System Too Busy"

  • 7020237
  • 09-Oct-2007
  • 07-Aug-2017


Redline 2.5.3
Redline 3.0.x


Redline Agent console says "File System Too Busy"


This is NOT an error.  To better understand what is happening here, the following should explain the process the Redline Agent goes through to determine when it shows this message.  The Redline Agent measures the how much time it takes to get the statistics on a file (file name, size, date).  If NetWare takes longer than 2 seconds to reply to the Redline Agent, then file system is very busy.  In a normal environment NetWare can get the statistics of 100 files in less than one second.  If this message is displayed, Redline simply defers collection of the monitored agents' logs until a time when the files system is not so busy.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 171.