GetViewInfoCmd failed error when attempting to login to Filr web interface

  • 7020168
  • 05-Jun-2017
  • 07-Jun-2017


Micro Focus Filr 3.1
Micro Focus Filr 3.0
Novell Filr 2.0


On a Filr site where Guest access is enabled and an unauthenticated user clicks on an entry permalink (read more about Filr permalinks here), the user is re-directed to the Filr login page and the following error is thrown in a pop-up:

GetViewInfoCmd failed ( 500 Internal Server Error
The call failed on the server; see server log for details


A fix for this issue is available in the Filr 3.2 Update. With the fix in place, users following entry permalinks on a Guest enabled Filr site will no longer see the 500 Internal Server Error.