Software Change Notice - GWAVA 6 Build 24, (16 OCT 2012)

  • 7020108
  • 28-Dec-2012
  • 07-Aug-2017


Secure Gateway (GWAVA)


The following fixes/resolutions are included:


  • SSL password not decoded correctly
  • Stats improvements
  • Bug 2043 - Stats report change
  • Bug 2116 - SMTP returns 550 if no MX record exists
  • Bug 1609 - GWVRELAY uses domains settings
  • Bug 2116 - DNS response returned correctly
  • Bug 1758 - Startup script fixes
  • Bug 2127 - SSL Listener fix
  • Bug 1763 - GWVRELAY option to force outbound mail
  • Bug 2132 - Malformed addresses fix
  • Bug 85 - Com file fix when scanning plain text
  • Bug 2133 - Connection dropping tests fix
  • Stats upgrade to version 3
  • Bug 2140 - Source bind address
  • Bug 2156 - Update set_time script
  • Bug 2148 - Server rename not populating all locations
  • Bug 2102 - Remove SQL data from Spam report page
  • Bug 1809 - Notify Defined address for Virus
  • Additional Information

    This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2087.