How To Uninstall Retain WebAccess Single Sign-On

  • 7019975
  • 08-Feb-2011
  • 07-Aug-2017


Retain 2.0 GroupWise 8.x


How to uninstall the Retain Webaccess Single Sign-in plugin


1. Stop Tomcat for the WebAccess Application. 2. Navigate to the WebAccess directory 3. Rename or remove the retain directory 4. Navigate to: \tomcat\4\webapps\gw\WEB-INF\classes\templates\webacc\css 5. Edit the caption.htt file. 6. At the end of the file look for the line that says:
{INCLUDE} Comment out this line or simply remove it. Save the file.
7. Start tomcat

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1939.