What is contained in the Reload Error log

  • 7019971
  • 10-Oct-2008
  • 29-Aug-2017


Reload (all versions)


What is the ERROR.LOG used for, and how do I read it?


The error usually gives a one line description of the error state.  This can be used to help track down a problem.  With the time stamp from the error log go to same time frame in the event log, the additional information in the event log may help in narrowing down the issue.

Here are a few samples from an error log: [ERROR_UID:1223451423130507000] - - [08/Oct/2008:01:37:03 -0600] "Cannot establish connectivity for Post Office Profile: post1" [ERROR_UID:1223453320336421000] - - [08/Oct/2008:02:08:40 -0600] "Cannot establish connectivity for Post Office Profile: po1" [ERROR_UID:1223453397273979000] - - [08/Oct/2008:02:09:57 -0600] "GRE_BLOBS FATAL ERROR # 1 for Post Office Profile: test2" [ERROR_UID:1223453397283018000] - - [08/Oct/2008:02:09:57 -0600] "Connectivity Error Condition for Post Office Profile: test2"


Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 472.