Reload all versions
Reload backups start but never complete.
1. Open the reload_support.log file located in /opt/beginfinite/reload/logs
2. Look for the error "can't lock lock file /etc/mtab~: timed out"
3. If the error exists stop all running and queued jobs.
4. Go to the /etc folder.
5. Type the following command exactly as it appears and hit enter:
2. Look for the error "can't lock lock file /etc/mtab~: timed out"
3. If the error exists stop all running and queued jobs.
4. Go to the /etc folder.
5. Type the following command exactly as it appears and hit enter:
rm mtab~*
WARNING: Failure to enter the exact command could result in the loss of needed OS files.6. Start a new backup. The backup will now complete. Note: This is caused by a bug in the OS's mtab (mounted file systems table) and not by Reload.
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1979.