Reload (all versions) All supported OS
How do I access a backup that has been TAR-ed and stored somewhere else? RE
In order to access a TAR-ed backup, it is necessary to extract the TAR file to the Reload machine. Simply mounting the directory where the TAR is stored is not sufficient. Once the TAR is extracted, and the contents are on the local Reload machine, it is now possible to access the backup. Open Reload Administration and Administer Profiles. Select the profile the backup belongs to. Access backups. The backup will not appear in the list, simply "browse to backup location", and then enter the path where the TAR was extracted to all the way to the backup date. (example - /temp/reloadtar/po1/backup/tuemar03)
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 764.