Linux (NFS): mount -v -t nfs [server IP]:[PO server's export path] [mount point]
EXAMPLE: mount -v -t nfs /mnt/temp
Linux (NSS): ncpmount -S [server name] -A [server IP] -U [user.container] -P [password] -V [NSS volume name] -o tcp,nonfs -m [mount point]
EXAMPLE: ncpmount -S GWPO1 -A -U admin.gwava -P Testing123 -V VOL1 -o tcp,nonfs -m /mnt/temp
Linux Cluster (NSS): ncpmount -S [cluster server IP - not the node IP] -A [server IP] -U [user.container] -P [password] -V [volume name] -o tcp,nonfs -m [mount point]
EXAMPLE: ncpmount -S -A -U admin.gwava -P Testing123 -V VOL1 -o tcp,nonfs -m /mnt/temp
NetWare (NCP): ncpmount -S [server name] -A [server IP] -U [user.container] -P [password] -V [volume name]/[path to PO] -o tcp,nonfs -m [mount point]
EXAMPLE: ncpmount -S NW65_SERVER1 -A -U admin.gwava -P Testing123 -V VOL1/grpwise/postoff1 -o tcp,nonfs -m /mnt/temp
NetWare Cluster (NCP): ncpmount -S [cluster server IP - not the node IP] -A [server IP] -U [user.container] -P [password] -V [volume name]/[path to PO] -o tcp,nonfs -m [mount point]
EXAMPLE: ncpmount -S -A -U admin.gwava -P Testing123 -V VOL1/grpwise/postoff1 -o tcp,nonfs -m /mnt/temp
Windows (CIFS): mount -t cifs -o username=[admin user],password=[password] noserverino //[server IP]/[shared folder] /[mount point]
EXAMPLE: mount -t cifs -o username=admin,password=Testing123,noserverino // /mnt/temp
Note that the mount commands and parameters are case sensitive and that some parameters have no space between them (e.g., on the CIFS mount, there are no spaces from "username=" all the way to "noserverino". The only time the next space occurs is between "noserverino" and "//[server IP]..."
When unmounting, Reload uses a "lazy" unmount parameter: umount -l /mnt/reload/... A "lazy" unmount simply allows the mount to be unmounted while the OS works on freeing the resources in the background. This avoids the "device is busy" error condition when unmounting. According to the umount man (manual): "Detach the filesystem from the filesystem hierarchy now, and cleanup all references to the filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore"
There is a way to determine the platform type Reload is currently using for a profile without editing the connectivity settings in the Reload administration console:- Change to the directory containing the conf file: /opt/beginfinite/reload/conf/
- Type: less <profile name>.conf (e.g., less po1.conf)
- Hit the forward slash " / " key to put Less into search mode
You should see a line item that reads as follows: GRE_PO_PLATFORM = "x" (where "x" is a number from 0 - 6).
- 0 = Local (the post office is on a local drive to Reload)
- 1 = Linux (NFS)
- 2 = Linux (NFS Cluster)
- 3 = Netware (NCP) NOTE: This type is also used for Linux servers using NSS volumes
- 4 = Netware (NCP Cluster)
- 5 = Windows (CIFS or Samba)
- 6 = Reload (Reload to Reload)
If Reload is set up with the incorrect connection type (e.g., NCP instead of NFS after moving from Netware to Linux), then the incorrect mount command will be used by Reload. Another typical error is for customers running a post office on Linux but using NSS volumes. In such cases, the Netware NCP (type 3) connection type should be used.