How to download DRA Versions and Updates

  • 7019890
  • 25-May-2017
  • 07-Jul-2017


NetIQ Directory Resource Administrator 9.x


NetIQ provides regular product updates to the Directory Resource Administrator (DRA) product. These updates can be any one of the following:

  • Major Product Version Release -- Denoted by the first number in a product version. Ex: DRA 9.0 is Major Version 9
  • Minor Product Version Release -- Denoted by the second number in a product version. Ex DRA 9.1 is Major Version 9 Minor version 1
  • Service Pack Update -- Denoted by the third number in a product version. Ex: DRA 9.0.3 is Major Version 9, Minor version 0, Update 3
  • Hot fix Update -- Denoted by the fourth number in a product version. Ex: DRA is Major Version 9, Minor version 0, Update 3

NetIQ product updates and base versions are available for download on the public Netiq Support Website.


To access both the product downloads and product patches use the following method:

  1. Access
  2. Once on the main NetIQ Support page, use the Support By Product section to select the Directory and Resource Administrator from the All Products list.
  3. From the Directory and Resource Administrator Support page you will have an option to access the Product Download or Product Patches
    1. The Product Download link ( ) provides access to the current Major or Minor version release of DRA
      1. You will need to select the Product Name and Product Version from the drop down menu
    2. The Product Patches link ( ) provide access to the Service Packs and Hot fixes for the Major or Minor release versions of DRA
      1. You will need to choose the Product Name and Product version to be updated
        • The product version to be updated will be the Major, Minor or Service Pack release of the product.
        • A Service pack will be a patch of Major or Minor Product Release
        • A hot fix will be a a patch of Major, Minor or Service Pack Product Release

Additional Information

Access to Product Patches and Product Downloads require a Valid MyNetIQ account, linked a company with current paid support and maintenance.

All new DRA Product updates will contain all previously published updates.

  • A DRA Major version will contain all previously published minor versions and subsequent updates
  • A DRA Minor version will contain all previously published minor versions and subsequent updates.
  • A DRA Service pack will contain the current Major or Minor version release as well as any previously published service packs and hot fixes.
  • A DRA Hot fix will contain all previously released hot fixes related to the Major, Minor or Service pack version for which the Hot fix applies.
  • A DRA Minor version will contain all previously published minor versions and subsequent updates.
  • A DRA Service pack will contain the current Major or Minor version release as well as any previously published service packs and hot fixes.
  • A DRA Hot fix will contain all previously released hot fixes related to the Major, Minor or Service pack version for which the Hot fix applies.