The Create Distribution Lists feature shows distribution lists with 0 members

  • 7019867
  • 12-Aug-2015
  • 07-Aug-2017


Migration Toolkit Exchange


Unable to import distribution lists into Exchange - In the Migration Toolkit, distribution lists to import are shown. - About 35 distribution lists shows a number in the Members column. - After the first 35 distribution lists, all other distribution lists show 0 in the Members column


After looking into the .CSV file with the distribution lists in it, we found the following two anomalies: 1. There were distribution lists that had nested distribution lists in them. 2. There were distribution lists that had no users in them. After removing the nested distribution lists, and the empty distribution lists, the problem went away.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2601.