Gwvsmtp is not Updating When Performing an Online Update

  • 7019851
  • 21-Sep-2009
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4 build 121+ Netware only


When I perform an online update, gwvsmtp is not updating. Answer/


Please follow these steps to resolve this issue: 1) Bring GWAVA down (gwavadn). 2) Browse to your ../gwava/assets/bin directory. 3) Rename gwvsmtp.nlm to gwvsmtp.nlm.old. 4) Rename the new.gwvsmtp.nlm to gwvsmtp.nlm (replacing the old one). 5) Bring GWAVA back up (gwavaup). The problem should not occur any more.  If it does please contact support at 1-801-437-5678.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1453.