To register the mobile application:
- Add the device in device management in the Retain Server.
- Have the user log into their email on the desired mobile device.
- Open the registration email and click on the RetainRegistration.json attachment. This will download the file and place it into your downloads folder.
- Open the mobile app, you should receive a toast message notifying you that the device is registered.
The mobile app will attempt to connect to the endpoint for the registration. The endpoint will either be the Retain Router (recommended configuration) or the Retain Server in certain situations. If you are unsure which endpoint you are using, you can open the json file and see which location it is pointing to.
Once you have figured out the endpoint, you will need to go look at the corresponding log. This will either be the RetainRouter, or RetainServer log. If there is an error in the log, please call, or email support with the error message.
If there is no information in the log showing attempts to make a connection, then the problem is network related. The default port for plain text is 48080 and SSL is 443. You will want to verify that the port you are using is available to your endpoint. This can be done by accessing the endpoint in the mobile devices mobile browser and specifying the port. For example:
We have seen carriers block port 48080 outbound on mobile devices. Testing port 80 (and setting your server/router to port 80) is a good way to see if this is happening to you.
The android mobile application is designed to require a registration when the app is newly installed. This means that if a user deletes the app and re-installs the app, it still will not function. The user is required to contact the administrator and the registration email will need to be resent. If the old version of the json file is still in the downloads folder on the phone, then no further action is required, the app should then send messages like before. If the json file is no longer in the downloads folder of the phone, then proceed with the normal registration process.