Yes, you can customize the registration email, but html knowledge is required.
The path to the registration email is: /RetainServer/WEB-INF/classes/config/mobile/registeruser.html You may customize this email to show that it is from your company and this also may come in handy for some troubleshooting purposes. Typically, only #1 will want to be changed – for use in mobile device management software. 1.Your install location – This is typically the main variable to change. This variable is not included by default in the email to allow admins to utilize mobile device management software to push the Retain app to devices. It may be included in the email and filled in with the app's location so it can be manually downloaded to devices. The registration code and information in that variable must not change. This information is generated by the device management page when the device is added. The following variables must not change. Do not modify the follwing:
*Before editing the file it would be wise to make a copy of the original by running:
cp -prv registeruser.html registeruser.html.bak
If an admin wishes to make the registration email to look like it is coming from their company, they should modify #’s 1-2, 6-9. However, variables 6-9 may be simply removed if the admin doesn’t want users to know what they are using.
2.Product – This is automatically filled out with the Retain product name. Admins may set this to be the company name. This variable is used in the subject and the body of the email message.
3.Retainheader – This is automatically filled with the Retain product logo. Admins may set this to any branding or company image file. This must be an image file.
4.Name – Each user’s individual username will be input here. This should not be changed.
5.GwavaURL – Automatically filled-in with a link to the GWAVA website.
6.GwavaURLLabel – This determines text displayed for the gwavaURL link.
7.ProductNameURL – This is automatically filled-in with a link to the product website.
8.ProductNameLabel – This determines text displayed for the productNameURL link.
•enrollmentCode: This is generated when the device is created on the device management page.
•tenantid: This is static number for retain. Displayed on the mobile page from Module Configuration.
•email: This is from the Device Management page.
•name: This is from the Device Management page.
•endpoint: This is the address of the Retain Server
•rouerURL: This is pulled from the mobile page of Module Configuration.
•activateHREF: This is an identification string, a link specific to the user and installation.