Blocking a phone number in GWAVA

  • 7019799
  • 14-Apr-2010
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4/4.5 All builds


How do I block any phone number in GWAVA?
How do I block a specific phone number in GWAVA?


To block phone numbers we will need to use regular expression in a text filter. For more information about regular expression please go to the following KB article.

Use extreme caution with this filter as phone numbers appear very commonly in the signatures of incoming messages.

1)  Log in to the GWAVA management console
Open the GWAVA management Console and browse to Server/Scanner Management -> Manage Scanner -> Scanning 
Configuration -> Text filtering ->  subject+body filter.
2) Enter the desired filter
Enter one of the following filters in the 'Add New Filter' field
  • This filter will block any US phone number that appears with or without parentheses and with the numbers separated by dashes or spaces
    • /(^|\s)\(?\d\d\d(\)|\s|-)\s?\d\d\d(\s|-)\d\d\d\d(\s|$)/
  • This filter will block only the phone numbers from the area code 555 that appears with () around the area code with the numbers separated by spaces or dashes
    • /(^|\s)\(?555(\)|\s|-)\s?\d\d\d(\s|-)\d\d\d\d(\s|$)/
*** You can substitute any area code you wish by simply replacing the numbers with your own
  • This filter will block only the phone number 555-555-1234 that appears with () around the area code with the numbers separated by spaces or dashes
    • /(^|\s)\(?555(\)|\s|-)\s?555(\s|-)1234(\s|$)/
*** You can substitute any phone number you wish by simply replacing the numbers with your own
3) Enter the events and Save
Check the block and quarantine box
Click the Green + icon to add the new entry and then Save.

From this point forward messages that contain the phone number you are looking for will not be allowed to be delivered and the message will be quarantined. It is always a good idea to quarantine these messages at first in case of any false positives and to verify that the filter works correctly.

For further customization of the filters please see the regex article mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1689.