Upgraded to Vertigo 2 and Now it Says the License is Invalid

  • 7019788
  • 16-Apr-2015
  • 09-Feb-2018


Vertigo 2 Problem/Question: I ran the update from Vertigo 1 to Vertigo 2, now it is saying the license is invalid.


Vertigo 2 requires a new license pem file. You will need a current Vertigo validation key to download a new license pem file. Here are instructions on how to do that:

  1. Go to https://licenses.gwava.com
  2. Select Vertigo 2 as your GWAVA product
  3. Enter your Validation Key
  4. Click Next
  5. Fill in the information (make sure the GW system name matched the name of the GroupWise system you are using Vertigo for)!
Once you have downloaded the new license file (.pem file) upload it in your Vertigo system.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2520.