GroupWise Mobile Server Version 1
Configuring GroupWise Mobile Server
Support for GroupWise Mobile Server VERSION 1 was added with Redline 2.5 SP3.
VERSION 2 is NOT supported in Redline 2.5.x. The reasoning behind this is that GMS originally (v1) was configured with IIS. GMS (v2) is now no longer using IIS, and as a result, our monitoring capability has to be altered. Support for GMS version 2 is supported in Redline 3.
Here's what you'll need to do to configure your GW Mobile Server:
1) Copy the file /opt/beginfinte/redline/conf/GWMobileServer to C:\Program Files\Intellisync Mobile Server\www\diag folder.
2) Check with a browser on the Windows server running GroupWise Mobile Server that you can access the file redline.asp
3) Install a Redline Agent on the Windows Server.
4) Add the following block to C:\Program Files\Beginfinite\Redline\conf\rlagwin.conf file (similar to all other agents):
5) Start the Redline Agent
VERSION 2 is NOT supported in Redline 2.5.x. The reasoning behind this is that GMS originally (v1) was configured with IIS. GMS (v2) is now no longer using IIS, and as a result, our monitoring capability has to be altered. Support for GMS version 2 is supported in Redline 3.
Here's what you'll need to do to configure your GW Mobile Server:
1) Copy the file /opt/beginfinte/redline/conf/GWMobileServer to C:\Program Files\Intellisync Mobile Server\www\diag folder.
2) Check with a browser on the Windows server running GroupWise Mobile Server that you can access the file redline.asp
3) Install a Redline Agent on the Windows Server.
4) Add the following block to C:\Program Files\Beginfinite\Redline\conf\rlagwin.conf file (similar to all other agents):
5) Start the Redline Agent
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 126.