How To Overcome Stuck Loops

  • 7019767
  • 07-Sep-2007
  • 07-Aug-2017


Redline (all versions)


Stuck loop errors


Note:  If you are experiencing stuck loops, it is advisable to update to the latest version of Redline. Most stuck loop issues have been remedied for version 2.5 in SP3, build 753.

In order for Redline to send information to the Control Center for processing it must gather information. The process of the Redline Agent going from agent to agent to gather information is known as a "loop". A stuck loop occurs when the Redline Agent in this process to get information, takes longer than 2 minutes to complete the loop.

Here are a few possible causes:

1)  One of the agents that needs to be monitored is running with SSL enabled.

When the Redline Agent needs to get information from an agent with SSL enabled, it waits and waits for a response. This would cause stuck loops, possibly many of them.  To resolve this, the agent will either have to be disabled in the rlagent.conf from monitoring or SSL must be disabled. Redline 2.5 is currently not compatible with SSL enabled/secured agents. 

2)  The GroupWise agent did not respond correctly, or sent garbled data.

This usually constitutes a bug or something of that nature that GroupWise would need to fix.

3)  The Redline Agent could be monitoring too many agents and takes too much time (more than 60 seconds) to complete the loop. This is not configurable. Currently 60 seconds is the hard-coded loop timeout. This will, however, be configurable in Redline version 3

Temporarily you could install a second Redline Agent and run one (or both) of them in protected memory. This way you could load balance the monitored agents.

4)  The unlikely scenarios could be a slow computer or heavily utilized computer with little available resources. Another unlikey possibility could be a heavily congested network. These conditions are rare and probably will not affect whether a loop gets stuck or not.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 127.