Reveal (Any build)
Can Reveal be used with a Linux GroupWise system? If so, how?
1) Have access to the domain directory through a samba share
In order for Reveal to work correctly you must have access to the domain directory. This can be achieved by creating a samba share on the Linux server to the domain directory. Once you have made the samba share you will want to map a drive to that share inside Windows.2) Adjust the settings.ini
Before you can use the samba share to access the domain directory, the settings.ini file for Reveal must be modified. The settings.ini file can be found in the "C:\Program Files\BeginFinite\GWAVA Reveal" directory by default. Open the file up in notepad and change the value 'UseSambaFix=0' to 'UseSambaFix=1'. This will all you to have access to your domain directory.3) Connect to the GW system
Log in as 'admin' to eDirectory and then launch Reveal. You should now be able to connect to the GroupWise system on Linux.
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 585.