Stopping a Post Office Scan While it is Running.

  • 7019743
  • 28-Oct-2010
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA4x (all builds)


Can I stop a Post Office scan if it has already started?


You can stop a Post Office job once it has started.  Keep in mind that aborting a post office job will only stop the scan from the point the abort button was pressed.  Any scanning that was already done can not be undone.  You should always double check the configuration before scheduling a job.

Follow the steps below to abort a post office scan:
1) Open the GWAVA web management console (<ip_address>:49282 or <dns>:49282)

On the navigation window to the left of the screen click on Server/Scanner Management

Click on the server name of the server the post office scanner is installed on

Click on Manage scanners

Click on the scanner name of the post office scanner

Click on Configure POA job settings

Click on Mail interface settings

The abort button is at the top of the page.  Click it to commence with abort.
Note:  If you were in the mail interface screen before the job started you will need to refresh to see the abort button.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1888.