GWAVA Update Started but Appears to be Hung

  • 7019704
  • 13-May-2010
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4.x Running on NW or Linux


I have started the online update, the web page shows that it has started but it hasn't finished and appears to be stuck or hung.


If the online update started downloading packages, but the web page shows it stopped without finishing, check the GWAVAupd support logs to see if it actually did finish. This log is located in GWAVA4/services/logs/gwavaupd/support (path on Linux is: /opt/beginfinite/gwava/services/logs/gwavaupd/support). The web page may not have received the updated information that it actually finished.

Here is an example from a log, the last few lines of an update that has completed:

<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:15</t><i>Installing package GWAVAMAN_SHTML_GUIDE</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:18</t><i>Installing package REDLINE</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:18</t><i>Processing install scripts</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:18</t><i>Processing script: wasp_upgrade.shtml</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:18</t><i>Processing script: DomainConvert.shtml</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:19</t><i>Processing script: gwava4_default_deploy.shtml</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:19</t><i>Processing script: vs_deploy.shtml</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:19</t><i>Updating version stamps</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:19</t><i>Enabling GWAVAMAN scripting</i></ln>
<ln><p>12</p><l>2</l><d>2010-MAY-13</d><t>10:40:19</t><i>Update process finished</i></ln>

If it did finish, then go ahead and restart GWAVA normally:
For NW: gwavadn, gwavaup
For Linux: rcgwavaman restart
Note: If the logs don't show that the update started, then restart GWAVA and start the online update again. Also, make sure that if it did start that you allow plenty of time for it to complete. The amount of  time may vary with how long the update will take. Some of the downloads may take a while, depending on how fast your internet connection is.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1715.