Linux, Linux/GWAVA Appliance Upgrade from GWAVA4.51 to GWAVA5
I'm trying to upgrade to GWAVA 5 and I am unable to upload my license. I am able to browse to, select, and upload my GWAVA 5 license on the "Upgrade to GWAVA5" screen, but when I restart the update it asks for my license again and I can't proceed to the next step.
Due to times and dates within the license (.pem) itself, it is crucial that the date and time are correct on the GWAVA server that the license is being installed to. If you are experiencing the issue listed above check the time and date on the server. If it is not correct then this could be the reason for the problem.
If the time and date are wrong you will need to change them. If you are using regular Linux you can do this through YaST. If you are using the Linux/GWAVA appliance follow the steps below:
1) Connect to the GWAVA server using an SSH client and login as 'root' .If this still does not resolve the issue please contact technical support.
2) Change directories to /opt/beginfinite/gwava/assets/scripts .
3) Run the 'set_time.sh" script by typing ./set_time.sh at the command prompt.
4) Follow the instructions given when the script runs to choose your time zone and settings.
5) After the script has finished verify the date and time are correct.
6) If the date and time are now correct try the "upgrade to GWAVA5" process again.
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1965.