GWAVA 3 screens loading when running the gwavaup.ncf

  • 7019664
  • 25-Jun-2008
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA 4 on Netware


When you try to load GWAVA 4 by running the gwavaup.ncf some of the old GWAVA 3 screens are loading.


Edit your gwavaup.ncf located in the gwava4/assets/bin.  Put in the path in front of each NLM.  Here is an example of what it should look like:

LOAD address space=GWAVA4CFG VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\gwavaman /ConsoleLog /Root=VOL1:\GWAVA4
LOAD address space=GWAVA4QMS VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\gwavaqms /ConsoleLog
LOAD address space=GWAVA4 VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\gwava /ConsoleLog
LOAD address space=GWAVA4 VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\autoblkr /ConsoleLog
LOAD address space=GWAVA4 VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\gwvrelay /ConsoleLog
LOAD address space=GWAVA4 VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\gwavapoa /ConsoleLog
LOAD address space=GWAVA4 VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\gwavaupd /ConsoleLog
LOAD address space=GWAVA4 VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\asengine /ConsoleLog
LOAD address space=GWAVA4 VOL1:\GWAVA4\ASSETS\BIN\gwvgwia /ConsoleLog

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 297.