Configuring Single Day Multiple Backups (Intra-day Backups)

  • 7019633
  • 19-Jan-2009
  • 29-Aug-2017


Reload (any version)


How do I configure Reload to run multiple backups on the same day? 


(from the Reload documentation, page 89)
The Reload Run Job Creation Utility allows you to work around Reload’s standard design. Let’s set up an example scenario. At ACME Corporation, they would like to backup up one of their GroupWise post offices every hour, from 6:00 (6:00 A.M.) to 18:00 (6:00 P.M.) However, they do not want any of the mail to be purgeable, until a final backup is done by the Reload Scheduling system at 22:00 (10:00 P.M.) Here’s how they would accomplish this task, as explained at a high-level.

Use the Reload Run Job Creation Utility to create the six “Incremental” jobs using the Linux server’s CRON system which is enabled by modifying the /etc/crontab file.
NOTE: By default, unless you specify otherwise, the Reload Run Job Creation Utility tells the Reload Agent not to flag message items as purgeable.

Use the Reload Scheduling System to run the final Standard Backup job at 22:00 (10:00 P.M.). When this job runs, then the SmartPurge features that Reload integrates with will function, and messages will be flagged as purgeable after the 22:00 (10:00 P.M.)

To see the syntax for the Reload Run Job Creation Utility type in the following command from in a terminal session:

 The output will be similar to this:
GWAVA Reload Run Job Creation Utility - Version 1.2

This utility is for creating GWAVA Reload run jobs.  See the Reload documentation at for more help.

The supported switches are as follows:

-h This help screen
-p Specify the Reload profile to create run job for, use lowercase
-i Create a Standard Backup (Incremental) run job
-f Create a Portable Backup (Full Backup) run job
-t Create a Tape Archive run job
-e Create an Expire run job
-s Do run a SmartPurge of messages when running an Incremental job
-q Query to find out if a Reload job is currently running


Incremental & SmartPurge Example: reloadj -p po1 -i -s
Incremental Example: reloadj -p po1 –i
Full Backup Example: reloadj -p po1 -f
Tape Archive Example: reloadj -p po1 -t
Expire Example: reloadj -p po1 -e

To schedule a Standard (Incremental) Backup job to happen for the Reload Profile “po1” the command would be:

reloadj -p po1 –i

To have the job executed by the Linux server’s CRON system every hour, add the following line to the /etc/crontab file:

1 6-18 * * * root reloadj –p po1 -i

This means the following:

<On the first Minute><Of Hours 6 – 18><Every Day><Every Day of the Month><Every Week of the Year> <root user privileges> reloadj –p po1 –i

CRONTAB (/etc/crontab) Summary

Minute (0-59)

















<run as user>”

<command to run>

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 973.