How to capture MIME Files Before GWAVA Scans Them.

  • 7019612
  • 07-Aug-2015
  • 07-Aug-2017


GWAVA Running on Linux


I need to capture the MIME Files as per instructions from GWAVA Support. How do I do this?


**Make Sure you only do this if instructed to by Support!**
To capture the MIME files of messages, before GWAVA scans them, do the following:

1) Install 'Support Tools' by:
a) Edit services.conf located in /opt/beginfinite/gwava/assets/conf

Change the arguments line for gwavaman to: arguments ! /root=/opt/beginfinite/gwava,/supporttools (we are only adding /supporttools at the end of the row, there is not space before the switch).

Stop and restart GWAVA.
1) Type from a prompt: rcgwavaman stop
2) Then: rcgwavaman status
3) Once everything is down type: rcgwavaman start
d) Login to the GWAVA management web page | system management | advanced | support tools | internal settings editor | check the top option 'Save all SMTP message files'

Save changes.

f) Once the test message (for the issue you are troubleshooting) has been received and you have verified that the issue happened again, uncheck the 'Save all SMTP message files' again.

g) Zip up all the files from during the time you had this enabled in /opt/beginfinite/gwava/services/smtp_interface and send them to your support tech. If the zip is too large you can upload it to our ftp server. If you do this, name the zip the name of your Support Ticket ID and put it in the incoming folder on

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2598.