Backups don't complete; Retry Count [5] Exceeded

  • 7019474
  • 17-Jul-2009
  • 30-Aug-2017


Reload (all version)


My daily (Standard) backups keep restarting, but never finish.


One possibility is the bandwidth filling up.

Reload, by default will use multiple threads for the Blobs and databases.  The threads that Relod and DBCopy uses can be configure to use only one thread.

From the Reload Administration Console;
1) Profiles "Administer Profile"
2) select the profile in question
3) Standard "Configure Standard (Daily - Incremental) Backups"
4) BLOBS "Standard Backup BLOBS (OFFILES) Configuration"
5) DBCOPY-Threads "Nomber of DBCOPY Threads: [?]
  Set to [1]

6) BLOBS-Threads "Number of BLOBS Sync Threads: [?] 
  set to [1]
7) select Back to back to the previous screen
8) Database "Standard Backup Database Threads Configuration"
9) DBCOPY-Threads "Number of DBCOPY Threads: [?]"
 Set to [1]
10) select Back to the previous screen
11) Advanced "Advanced Standard Backup Settings"
12) High "High Performance Standard Backups [ Enabled ]"
 change to [ Disabled ]

13)  Split "Split OFUSER Directory Backup for Speed [ Enabled ]"
 change to [ Disabled ]

The new changes won't effect any backups that are currently running.  The new jobs submitted after these changes will use the new configuration.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1329.