Using Reload To Restore Calendar Items

  • 7019452
  • 07-May-2008
  • 29-Aug-2017


Reload (all versions)


How can I get my calendar items from a Reload backup?


The calendar items can be export from the GroupWise client, when connected to the Access Mode POA.

Another option would be to do a find, and then archive.

Open the groupwise client, tools | find. Under "Item type:" select the items to search for. As an example, under "Item type:" select "Task, Notes, and Appointment", and under "Item source" select "Received". When the "GroupWise Find Results" window completes, then Edit | Select All | then right click, "Move to Archive". Then the items can be unarchived and will be populated in the calendar.

If an archive already exist, which may also include some calendar items, rename the existing archive directory before doing this process to keep them separate.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 240.