Blueprint (all versions)
Blueprint Troubleshooting
There are generally two issues that can cause problems with Blueprint for Reload they are:
1. Licensing issues
2. GroupWise Version Issues
Licensing Issues
Blueprint for Reload requires a GWAVA Reload license, and a GWAVA Blueprint for Reload license. When contacting support about licensing issues, please send both the Reload license file and the Blueprint license file.
Here is how to obtain both of these file:
1. Get a WINSCP session to the SLES server running Reload.
2. For the Reload license, obtain the reload.pem file which is located at:
3. For the Blueprint license, obtain the blueprint.pem file which is located at:
Once you have obtained these two files, send them to GWAVA's support division to validate and repair the license files if needed.
GroupWise Version Issues
The version of GroupWise installed on the Reload server should match the version of GroupWise on the live GroupWise system. So if for example, the version of GroupWise installed on the live post office is GroupWise 2012, then GroupWise 2012 must be installed on the Reload server.
To switch to a different version of the GroupWise on the Reload server do the following:
1. Get into Reload console administration.
2. From the main menu of Reload Console Administration select System | GroupWise | Version and change the version of GroupWise to match the version of the live GroupWise post office.
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2541.