Can The Numbering In Domain Backup Names Be Reset

  • 7019330
  • 01-Jun-2010
  • 29-Aug-2017


Reload (all version)


I would like to have the numbers used in the names of my domain backups to be reset. I have been using Reload for a long time and the numbers are getting very high.


The ../backups/ directory can be renamed, the next time a backup runs this directory will be recreated. Because no backups will be found by Reload in the backups directory, the numbering will start over. The ../backups/ directory is located under the profile directory.
../<profile directory>/backups/

The next time a bacukup run, a new ../backups/ directory will be created and the numbering will start at the begining again. The renamed directory can still be browsed to.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1721.