My Mount Doesn't Work in a "PRE-TAR Command" Script

  • 7019317
  • 16-Apr-2009
  • 30-Aug-2017


Reload (all version)


I have created a script to mount another drive (not the Reload server) and the mount is never created.  If I test the script out at the command line, the mount is created.


In some situations, if a directory exists in the new mount directory then the mount won't be created.  Like the following;

  • A pre tar command creats a mount at /mnt/tar/
  • The path specified for the tar path, Reload Admin Console | Profiles | <select profile> | Tape | Path; is set to /mnt/tar/archive
  • If the mount isn't created then the /archive directory will be created locally in the /mnt/tar/ directory
  • The next time the mount is attempted to be created within Reload, the mount may fail because a directory exists in the mount directory.

Try removing the directory in the mount directory and then test the tar job again.


Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1150.