Retain 3.x
Exchange Module
Retain does not seem to be deleting items from the journaling mailbox.
As long as Data Collection/Jobs/Exchange/Journaling/"Delete archived items from journal" is checked Retain will attempt to delete the messages from a journal mailbox. As Retain archives a journaling mailbox it creates a list of items to be deleted and when it exits the mailbox send the delete command to Exchange against that list. If the job interrupted then nothing will be deleted.
It is also important to make sure that the Impersonation User has proper rights for this job. You will want to make sure that the Impersonation user has "DeleteItem" rights to the journaling mailbox. You can do that using the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-MailboxPermission "[impersonation user]"
For example:
Get-MailboxPermission "retain@retainsupport.net"
The results should look something like:
Identity User AccessRights IsInherited Deny
-------- ---- ------------ ----------- ----
gsc.local/Journaling NT AUTHORITY\SELF {FullAccess, ReadPermission} False False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Administrator
True True
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Domain Admins
True True
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Enterprise Ad...
True True
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Organization ...
True True
gsc.local/Journaling NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
True False
gsc.local/Journaling NT AUTHORITY\NETW...
True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Administrator {FullAccess, DeleteItem, ReadPermission, ChangePermissio... True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Domain Admins {FullAccess, DeleteItem, ReadPermission, ChangePermissio... True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Enterprise Ad... {FullAccess, DeleteItem, ReadPermission, ChangePermissio... True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\joe.rush {FullAccess, DeleteItem, ReadPermission, ChangePermissio... True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Organization ... {FullAccess, DeleteItem, ReadPermission, ChangePermissio... True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Public Folder...
True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Delegated Setup
True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Exchange Servers {FullAccess, ReadPermission} True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Exchange Trus... {FullAccess, DeleteItem, ReadPermission, ChangePermissio... True False
gsc.local/Journaling GCS\Managed Avail...
True False